Truth in Journalism.
Integrity in Every Story.
Who We Are
Our Mission
Saving Oregon by providing Oregonians with responsible, reliable and well-researched information about their government and its policies.
Our Vision
We see an Oregon as free and prosperous as it is beautiful, where government does the work of the people, not the other way around.
Our Key Values
Prioritizing truth in every story, our journalists diligently verify each fact to provide reliable, transparent, and honest reporting. Stay informed with integrity.
Our reporting is driven by fairness. We have our biases, just like every single other journalist, but operate with those in mind to ensure we are presenting facts in a responsible, fair way.
Accuracy is the cornerstone of our work. Adhering to the highest journalistic standards, we meticulously check facts and review sources to deliver precise and reliable news essential for a well-informed public.
Approaching journalism with courage and insight, we tackle tough, often complex, issues and demand accountability from people in power. Our fearless reporting is dedicated to uncovering the truth and sparking responsibility among those who govern us.
Jeff Eager
Jeff Eager is a citizen journalist, attorney and former mayor of Bend, Oregon. Founder and chief writer for Oregon Roundup newsletter and podcast, Jeff loves researching and writing about Oregon politics, policy and government.
Betsy Johnson
Betsy Johnson is a former 20-year Oregon legislator and independent candidate for governor. With a diverse background in business and community service, Betsy still does a lot of the work of a state legislator, without the title.
Dan Pahlisch
Dan Pahlisch is President and Chairman of the Board for Pahlisch Homes, a multi-generational Oregon family-owned homebuilder. Dan sees everyday, firsthand, how state policies make it harder to provide quality, affordable housing for Oregonians.
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